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Bed-wetting and NUCCA Care

Does your child wet the bed?

Nocturnal Enuresis (bedwetting) is a common problem in many households. There are many causes for this condition.

Have you ever thought to look to the spine?

The spine houses the spinal cord. When the spine is misaligned, it can put pressure on the spinal cord. This can cause the signals between the brain and the bladder to get lost or derailed. By having you child's spine checked regularly by Dr Shah who utilizes NUCCA technique at Aligned Family Spinal Care, you may prevent this condition from occurring.

So how does correcting the spinal misalignment affect bladder control?

Let's take a look at how the spinal cord controls the body.

The brainstem is the lowest part of the brain and controls many things in the body. It consists of the thalamus, midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata. It regulates alertness, digestion, and other autonomic (automatic) functions. All spinal cord nerves must pass through the brainstem on the way to relay centers in the brain.

When the spine is out of alignment, pressure on the spinal cord can cause signals to be misinterpreted or lost on the way to the brainstem. This causes the brainstem to not process information correctly. If the brain does not get signals from the bladder saying it is full, it cannot wake the child to allow them to go to the bathroom.

The NUCCA technique is a process that relieves the pressure off the brainstem and aligns the spine to allow for better information relay.

If your child has trouble with nocturnal enuresis, here are some other tips on helping prevent bedwetting.

• Avoid punishing your child. This is an embarrassing situation for a child. Blaming them will not make this stop, and will most likely make the problem worse. Your child has no control over their bladder due to lost signals. Having an encouraging attitude will help your child gain confidence. Make a no-teasing rule in the house that does not allow other siblings or family members to make fun or even talk about the bedwetting with other family members.

• Make cleanup easy. Use easily washable and absorbent bedding for your child's bed and line mattress with a waterproof cover. Have an extra set of sheets close in the closet or drawer that make it easy for your child to change bedding on their own. You may also use a deodorizer to cover any unwanted odors.

• Limit fluid intake before bed. Limit liquids about 2 hours before bedtime. There are some liquids that irritate the bladder more than others. Any drinks containing caffeine or high in sugar can cause irritation to bladder and cause your child to have to urinate more often.

• Wake child two hours after falling asleep. It is important to have your child use the bathroom and empty their bladder before going to bed. However it takes about two hours for digestion to occur while sleeping. This means your child's bladder may be full about two hours after falling asleep. This varies among children, so find a rhythm that works for your child. This will also help the child to practice waking up when their bladder is full.

• Check for constipation. When a child is constipated, it can cause the bladder to not fully empty. This can cause frequent urination and lead to more serious problems.

• Praise child for dry nights. Celebrate times when your child wakes up dry. Some children respond very well to reward charts for dry nights. Find a reward that works for you and your child.

To learn more about how it can help you or your child, schedule an appointment with Dr Shah today!




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